News & Alerts
H2O Innovation staff will be mobilized and standing by to deal with water main breaks and water plant issues. If you experience a pipe freeze on your side of your water meter outside your home, H2O Innovation can only turn your water off at the meter.
If you have a pipe broken inside your home, you can isolate your private cut off usually located on the side of your home below your water spigot or inside the garage.
It’s a good idea to have the names of a couple of plumbers should you need them as H2O Innovation does not repair homeowner private water lines.
Freeze Preparation Tips
- Wrap outdoor and garage pipes.
- Remove water hoses and wrap water spigot.
- Drain and turn off sprinklers system.
- Turn off water to your washer if in garage.
- If you leave your house before a freeze, turn off the water at your private cut off valve and leave your heat on.
Protect your pipes when it freezes!
- Open cabinets under sinks to let your house’s heat warm the pipes.
- If your pipes freeze, turn off the water at your private cut off valve. This prevents broken pipes from leaking into house after they thaw.
- Let faucets drip from the cold and hot taps or run water through your indoor faucets before you go to sleep.
***Check your Insurance coverage. Flood insurance does not pay for damaged caused by freeze.
Dear residents, it's been brought to our attention that an unofficial MUD #389 account was set up on an external payment platform we are not affiliated with, called DOXO. Please DO NOT USE DOXO to pay your bill. The only correct payment link for MUD #389 is
We are working to correct this situation as soon as possible.
H2O Innovation is the billing and collection agent for the water District that you live in. We are NOT the District. We are bound by the District’s Rate Order or Tariff to enforce the water and sewer rates, late fees, disconnect fees, deposit fees, application fees, rules and regulations set forth by your Water District. We have no authority to waive deposits, cut off fees, late fees or make exceptions for any customer without consent of the Board of Directors of your District.
What is a Rate Order or Tariff
The Rate Order or Tariff is a legal document created by each Utility District. The Rate Order or Tariff specifies the rates that are to be charged to all of its customers. It sets policies and procedures for monthly water and sewer service rates for all user classes, security deposit schedules for customer accounts, penalty fees for delinquent accounts, disconnect fees for delinquent accounts, procedures and important dates for billing of accounts. The Rate Order or Tariff also sets requirements for new water taps and connections to the District’s system and water tap fee schedule.
West Houston Office information
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday
(Closed for Major Holidays)
8:00am – 4:30pm
Postal Address
17332 Groschke Rd., Houston, TX 77084
Phone Numbers
(Customer Care/Billing)
Email Address
Spring Office information
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday
(Closed for Major Holidays)
8:00am – 4:30pm
Drop box / Monday – Saturday
6:00am – 5:00pm
Postal Addresses
27335 West Hardy Rd, Suite 101, Spring, TX 77373
PO Box 2569, Spring, TX 77383
Phone Numbers
(Customer Care/Billing)
Email Address