Helpful Links

Water Authorities

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North Harris County Regional Water Authority

This is the Authority who is responsible for delivering surface water to many of our customers. This site also has a number of helpful links to Water Conservation. They also have a link to local, state and national sites that you may find to be helpful.

Check their map to see if your District is served by this Authority.

West Harris County Regional Water Authority

As with the North Authority, there a many excellent links to Water Conservation as well as other government sites. They also have a link to local, state and national sites that you may find to be helpful.

San Jacinto River Authority

The San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) is a government agency whose mission is to develop, conserve, and protect the water resources of the San Jacinto River basin. Covering all or part of seven counties, the organization’s jurisdiction includes the entire San Jacinto River watershed, excluding Harris County. The SJRA is one of 10 major river authorities in the State of Texas, and like other river authorities, its primary purpose is to implement long-term, regional projects related to water supply and wastewater treatment.

North Fort Bend Water Authority

The North Fort Bend Water Authority (NFBWA) is a regional water authority created by the 79TH Texas Legislature, with the passage of Senate Bill 1798 in May 2005 and by establishing Chapter 8813 of the Special District Local Laws Code.

The Authority’s mission includes:

  • Acquiring and providing water for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and other uses;
  • Reducing groundwater withdrawals;
  • Conserving, preserving, protecting, and recharging of groundwater and of groundwater reservoirs or their subdivisions;
  • Preventing waste of groundwater; and,
  • Controlling subsidence caused by the withdrawal of water from groundwater reservoirs.



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The Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District

The Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District (Lone Star Water) helps Montgomery County meet its most critical water challenge – finding the water to grow without continuing to “deficit-pump” the Gulf Coast Aquifer. They also have a great number of excellent links to other resources including local, state and national sites and other water conservation sites.

HarrisGalveston County Coastal Subsidence District logo
The Harris/Galveston County Coastal Subsidence District

A special purpose district which was created to provide for the regulation of groundwater withdrawal throughout Harris and Galveston counties to help prevent land subsidence, which leads to increased flooding. They also have excellent links to other resources and conservation tips.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

The TCEQ strives to protect our state’s public health and natural resources consistent with sustainable economic development. Their goal is clean air, clean water, and the safe management of waste. As with the other sites, there are many links you may follow to have your questions answered.

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The Texas Water Development Board

The Texas Water Development Board’s (TWDB) mission is to provide leadership,planning, financial assistance, information, and education for the conservation and responsible development of water for Texas.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) logo
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Interesting information on the environment is available down to your own zip code. Many of the requirements for your safety are addressed. Click on Texas on the map and follow your own interests from there.

Water Conservation

Save Water Texas

This is a website that offers a wide range of education programs for grades 2, 4 and 7 that promote water conservation through Texas history. In addition, thesites YouTube channel includes a series of videos appropriate for classroom and homeschooling use.

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Save Water Texas Coalition

The Save Water Texas Coalition is made up of cities, water agencies, water professionals, community leaders, and educators who are dedicated to raising public awareness about the critical need for water conservation and water reuse measures in order to assure sustainability of our finite groundwater and surface water resources.

Drip Watch (US Geological Survey)

Would you like to know how much water is lost by a dripping faucet? Go to this site, fill in a single faucet and the number of drips per minute. You will be surprised by the amount of water lost even with a drip of only one per second. You will lose (and pay for) 2,083 gallons per year. Run you own test and you will see why it is important to stop those drips.

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American Water Works Association

This site says it is “The Authoritative Source on Safe Water” and has a number of links under their “Resources and Tools” tab that links further to “Water Knowledge”. Under this tab you will find topics of interest from drought to water conservation to emergency preparedness. It also has many other topics of interest.

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Water Environmental Federation

This organization is dedicated to improving water quality. The site has a considerable amount of information on conservation and under the tab “Public Information” and then “General Public”. There is a considerable amount of information including videos on this site.

Clean Water, Clear Choice

This website is devoted to keeping our waterways clean. The have separate sections for Kids, Residents and Professionals. They have a number of excellent ideas and you should look this site over.

National Weather Service

This is a good site where you can check the weather in your area. Click on the map and the main page and it will take you to your area or city. Check for current conditions as well as forecasts that may affect your area. It also has a link to drought conditions after your fill in the area, city or zip code of interest to you. Toward the bottom left of the page that comes up after you choose your city, state or zip code is a “Tropical Weather” tab if we are in hurricane season. Or you can simply go to: and click on the area in which you are interested on the map. You will have to copy and paste this address into your browser to run.

Emergency Management

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Emergency Management

The FEMA website allows you to “Be Informed” about natural disasters such as drought, floods, hurricanes, extreme heat and severe weather and to “Make A Plan” to handle each as best possible. A very worthwhile site for emergencies.

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Harris County Emergency Management

An excellent site for emergency management on a more local level.

Montgomery County Emergency Management

Another excellent site for emergency management on a more local level.